Applaud, my friends, the comedy is finished.

It is here that I shall share my wisdom to the worthy. Failing that, I shall climb a mountain, and sit upon high to dispense my wisdom instead. Fools.

Friday, August 18, 2006


I am quite indecisive by nature, as I am far too analytical for my own good.

I quite possibly think too much, thereby over complicating everything.

I have started my own contracting business. I have yet to organize it and come up with a plan. For whatever reason I feel like I need to get away. And I cannot seem to gather the my wits and get down to business as a result. And then there is this constant nagging in my head to just lay down and sleep; as if that will be productive.

I am entertaining two job opportunities. One is solid with an offer in hand. The president of Company A has low-balled me in the offer. I now have to treat over the next number of days to bring that number up. Oh the agony. I am worth more than he will admit.

Company B is meeting with me next week. It sounds very promising. They seem willing to offer more than Company A, and it is local. Company A is in sunny California. Cheap bastard.

More to come.


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